Thursday 20 March 2014

Roast Chicken & Mushroom Lasagna

This dish is super easy and quick (if you have already made the pasta, or have store bought) and is really delicious. For me, the roast chicken gives the dish more depth and flavour. If you don't want to use carb-free pasta, you can use regular pasta. Your cooking time may vary and I'd then suggest you cover the dish with foil. I didn't with the carb free pasta as I knew it would cook very quickly.
See separate recipe for Carb-free pasta.

roast chicken & mushroom lasagna
Cook time: 1 Hr
Serves: 6

1 roast chicken (I used a Woolworths roast chicken) Roughly chopped and bones removed.
1 packet of button mushrooms (sliced)
1 onion (finely chopped) 
1 clove of garlic (finely chopped)
250 ml cream
1 chicken stock (Knorr Stock)
1/2 white wine
fresh thyme
butter (a few knobs)

S&P to taste 
Freshly grated Parmesan


Pre-heat the oven to 180°C

Fry the onions in a little olive oil and butter until softened. Add the garlic and fresh thyme. 
Now add the mushrooms and white wine. Cook for about 1 minute. 
Add the chicken stock, chicken and cream. Stir and cook for 3 minutes or so. 
You may need to add a little water.
Adjust your seasoning now.

In a deep casserole dish, spoon some of the chicken and mushroom mixture on the bottom. Add a layer of the carb-free pasta and continue to layer. Top off with the freshly grated Parmesan. 

Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes (or until cheese is melted) 
Finish off by turning the grill on and grill until cheese is golden. 

Carb-Free Pasta

Simple and quick, this recipe (thanks to The Real-Meal-Revolution) is the perfect pasta alternative to make when following a low-carb, high fat diet and it is super-easy!

4 eggs
125g cream cheese
½ cup psyllium husks

In a food processor, blend all the ingredients and leave the mixture to thicken for 10 minutes.
Using coconut flour for dusting, roll the pasta into sheets and set aside. They can be frozen between greaseproof paper or cooked immediately.
Cook as you would normal pasta, by boiling it in salt water (be careful, they cook quickly).

Watch the video to see how simple. Carb Free Pasta