Monday 21 October 2013

gnocchi di funghi porcini

I came up this recipe after seeing something similar on TV, and while watching it thought; "I've never made fresh gnocchi. It can't be THAT difficult". So on a Meat-Free-Monday, I decided let's give it a try. Google'd a few recipes of how to make gnocchi and voilĂ ! To my surprise fresh gnocchi is really easy to make, requires a little time, and is not as heavy and "stodgy" as store bought. I have also discovered that there are several ways you can prepare the potato to give it more unique flavours. See cooks notes below. 
Happy Monday.  

gnocchi di funghi porcini 
A little effort - but oh so worth it
Cook time: 1 hour (if microwave), 1 hour 40 minutes (Oven or Braai)


1 kg Baking potatoes 
1 1/2 cups all purpose flour 
2 eggs (beaten) 
pinch of salt 
Easy and quick > prick potatoes with a fork and place in microwave for several minutes (until softened). (The way I did it first time.) Let cool on a rack, cutting them open to help cool.
Easy and more time > pre-heat oven to 180°C. Prick the potatoes with a fork  in several places around each potato to vent moisture as the potatoes cook. Bake the potatoes in their skins until tender, about an hour. Let cool on a rack, cutting them open to help cool.
After they have cooled, but still warm, scoop the potatoes from their skins and mash together. Add in the eggs and 1/2 the flour and combine. Gradually add in the rest of the flour and the salt.
Mix by hand until you have a nice pliable ball of dough. Do not overmix.
Prepare a work area and dust it with flour. Take the dough, a piece at a time, and roll it out gently with your hands until you have rolls about 2cm in diameter.  Gently roll the dough with your fingertips while exerting the lightest pressure outwards, not down, to draw the dough out.
 Cut the tubes of dough into pieces about 3cm long. Using a fork, gently roll and press the dough until it forms the shape. (This is to "hold" the sauce)  As you make the gnocchi, place them on flat baking pan, lightly dusted with flour.

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil. Gently drop the gnocchi into the water. As soon as they rise to the surface, remove them with a slotted spoon, draining well. Arrange on a warm serving dish. Depending on how many you make, you can cook in batches. They cook really quick - mine took about 3 minutes.
mushroom sauce
 1 packet (500g) Portobello mushrooms or Black mushrooms, sliced
Garlic crushed
1 chili (optional) finely chopped
Olive Oil 
1/4 cup dry white wine
Dried Porcini mushrooms 
2 cups chicken stock 
Chopped parsley 
Knob of Butter 
Freshly grated Parmesan 

  SautĂ© mushrooms, garlic and chili in olive oil. 
Meanwhile, place a small handul of the dried porcini mushrooms in a little boiling water and set aside. 
Once the sauted mushrooms have softened, de-glaze the pan with the wine and simmer for a minute. Add the porchini mushrooms with the water (THIS IS FULL OF FLAVOUR) and stir. Add the chicken stock. Simmer for a few minutes. (Note - if you want a slightly thicker sauce, add a little flour)
Just before serving, add the knob of butter and chopped parsley.
Combine with the cooked gnocchi and grate parmesan over. Serve.

Cooks notes:
You could also cook the potatoes in foil on the braai. I havent tried this yet, but a friend of mine, Darren, says that it gives the gnocchi a lovely smokey taste.
Instead of potatoes, try sweet potato. 
You can save yourself the effort and just buy gnocchi and just make the sauce.

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